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How to Sell Products with the Webshop?

By Emily Tischler
May 2, 2022

Webshop allows your customers to easily place orders online. The webshop works on all channels. No matter if your customers use Messenger, SMS, WhatsApp, Telegram …

Your users will be able to buy from your business. in this guide we demonstrate how to sell products with the webshop easily.


Setup your Webshop for Ecommerce

Setting up a webshop is very easy. First, go to Ecommerce and add your products. After that follow the instructions below.

To let your customers access your webshop, use the system field {{shop_link}} as a button URL for channels that support buttons like Messenger, Google Business Messages or Telegram.


For channels that don’t support buttons like SMS or WhatsApp, you can use the {{shop_link}} inside a text block like the image below:


Change the product view

We provide many ways to display your products on the webshop. You can navigate to Ecommerce > Settings


Then see the end results on your shop:




Image Cover



Load Webshot on a Specific Category

This is the format of variable: {{shop_link}}&t=CATEGORY_ID

To get a category ID, go to the list of categories, click the 3 dots, and click “Get ID”.

Example: If your CATEGORY ID is 2000, your webchat link will be {{shop_link}}&t=2000

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